Fire Brigade Team Training & Refreshers - Fire LLC

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Fire Brigade Team Training & Refreshers

Training > OSHA
Fire Brigade
The Fire Brigade standard is highlighted under 29 CFR 1910.156. This section contains requirements for the organization, training, and personal protective equipment of fire brigades whenever they are established by an employer.

The employer shall provide training and education for all fire brigade members commensurate with those duties and functions that fire brigade members are expected to perform. Such training and education shall be provided to fire brigade members before they perform fire brigade emergency activities. Fire brigade leaders and training instructors shall be provided with training and education which is more comprehensive than that provided to the general membership of the fire brigade.

The employer shall assure that training and education is conducted frequently enough to assure that each member of the fire brigade is able to perform the member's assigned duties and functions satisfactorily and in a safe manner so as not to endanger fire brigade members or other employees. All fire brigade members shall be provided with training at least annually. In addition, fire brigade members who are expected to perform interior structural firefighting shall be provided with an education session or training at least quarterly.

After successfully completing this course, employees should have a competent, fundamental and practical understanding of the following:
• Fire Brigade standard operating guidelines and procedures
• Firefighting principles
• Firefighting PPE, tactical equipment, and clothing
• Firefighting tactics for interior and exterior operations
• Respirator protection/ SCBA (29 CFR 1910.134)
• And much more

Fire & Industrial Response Enterprises, LLC -- Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
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