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HAZWOPERHazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standards (in general industry, 29 CFR 1910.120; and construction 29 CFR 1926.65) established health and safety requirements for employers engaged in these operations, as well as responses to emergencies involving releases of hazardous substances. HAZWOPER requires that employers follow specific work policies, practices, and procedures to protect their workers potentially exposed to hazardous substances. The standards provide employers with the information and training criteria necessary to ensure workplace health and safety during hazardous waste, emergency response, and cleanup operations involving hazardous substances. HAZWOPER aims to prevent and minimize the possibility of worker injury and illness resulting from potential exposures to hazardous substances.Fire LLC offers the following HAZWOPER courses:
• HAZWOPER 8-hour refresher• HAZWOPER 24 hour• HAZWOPER 40 hour• HAZWOPER 80 hour• Other related HAZWOPER courses:○ Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures, Air Monitoring and Medical Program, Confined Space Entry, Dealing With The Media In Emergency Situations, Decontamination Procedures, Electrical Safety in Hazmat Environments, Emergency Response and Decontamination, Exposure Monitoring and Medical Surveillance, Fire Prevention, Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazard Recognition, Hazmat Labeling, Heat Stress, Intro to HAZWOPER for Waste Site Workers, Introduction to HAZWOPER Retraining, Medical Surveillance Programs, Monitoring Procedures and Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment and Decontamination Procedures, PPE and Other Hazard Control Measures, Respiratory Protection, Safety Data Sheets in HAZWOPER Environments, Safety Orientation, The Emergency Response Plan, The Site Safety and Health Plan, Understanding Chemical Hazards, Understanding HAZWOPER, and Work Practices and Engineering Controls